Aura Color Test
Take this test to determine which color is your aura and the meaning of it.

Where would you rather live?
An apartment
A house on the countryside
A lodge on the woods
A bungalow in the beach

Which of these options you feel represent succes
Carrer Growth
Helping others

What is the theme of your current dreams?
The ocean

You base your decision making on:
Your gut feeling
Advice from others
Your rational thinking

What do you think a Deja vu is
A mental illness
A dream
Someone speaking from another realm
I don't know what a deja vu is

I am rather...
A loner
A party animal
An introvert
A little of everything

When someone offends me I...
Hold a grudge
Forgive and forget
People can't hurt me
I hurt them back

I considered myself to be
Clean but messy

How much do you like the spotlight
I hate it
Love it, ready for my close up!
I don't care
I feel ok with it

My ideal job includes:
Using my hands to create things
Using only my brain
Talking to people
Using my physical strength

Your Aura color is Green
Your Aura color is Green, this means you have a heart full of love. You are kind to anyone around you and your heart is always full.

Your Aura Color is Yellow
Your aura color is yellow and this means you are a person who is content with yourself. You are ambitious and have a hunger for big things in life.

Your Aura Color is Blue
Your aura color is blue, which makes you a person with a calm state of mind. You are always willing to speak up to defend the things and the people you care about.

Your Aura Color is Indigo
Your Aura color is Indigo, which means you are aligned with your higher self. You are a very sensitive person towards others and can perceive energy on another level and you can see the truth behind every appearance.

Your Aura Color is Purple
Your aura color is purple and this means you are intuitive and have a passion for leading others.

Your Aura Color is Orange
Your Aura color is orange and that means that you are satisfied with your friends, family, and your overall environment. It shows that you have good relationships.

Your Aura Color is Red
Your aura color is red and this shows that you are well connected with your objectives in life. You have their goals set and you are driven to complete them.

Your Aura Color is Pink
You have a pin aura color. This means you are a kind person, to yourself and to orders. Having a pink aura means you are in harmony and in a state of happiness.

Your Aura Color is Silver
You have a silver aura color. This means you are becoming wealthy either in a spiritual or material way.

Your Aura Color is Brown
You have brown aura color. This means you are very focused on the accumulation of material things. It is a sign of warning for yourself.

Your Aura Color is Black
You have a black aura color. These means you have a lot of anger and grief inside. It does not mean something bad, is just a sign that you are still suffering for things of the past. You are a person who can't let go and forgive and you are still holding on to pain.

Your Aura Color is White
You have a white aura color. This means you transcended the material aspect of life. It is the color of energy protection and it represents that you have a healthy body and soul.